Have you ever wanted, or needed, to find a networking group or event near you?

Today, you have at your disposal the World’s Best Networking Event Search tool.  This spreadsheet is guaranteed to find events that will have you meeting people in no time.

For a Google Docs version:  CLICK HERE

For a MS Excel version:  CLICK HERE

To see a PDF example of the complete spreadsheet:  CLICK HERE

When this spreadsheet is opened, just enter information about where you are, and if you want, what specific industry you’re looking for.  Once entered, copy any of the text from the lower cells into your favorite search engine to find networking events or groups.

If you live in a rural town of less than 10,000 residents, it will still work, but it will return best results if you search based on your county rather than community.

How can this be used to your advantage?

  • Are you wanting to find a group just for your industry? Done.
  • For a hobby group?  Simple.
  • Interest group?  Yep.
  • Investigate a new career through its association?  Great idea!
  • Just land in a new location and feel the need to make new acquaintances?  This is especially perfect.

It covers them all.

Something else to consider is we sometimes forget about either complimentary groups to our own, or the strength of weak ties developed through those groups.  It may not hurt to consider shaking things up a bit in your hometown and attend a group event that you haven’t attended in the past.  Just a suggestion…

I hope you find it as useful for you as it has been for me.