The final, and most important, element of the entire Authentic Networking System, is saved for last. Give. It may be saved for last, but in actuality it should be practiced throughout. Giving is what makes networking work. By giving to others we not only find fulfillment, but we put good back into the world.
We never know when something as simple as taking the time to talk to someone or a shred of wisdom or, to a closer contact, a heart-felt hug might make an enormous difference. It may be a pint of blood, a referral, an anonymous donation, or a random act of kindness. But any of these could bring brightness, life, or joy to someone else even if we never hear about it. Again, embrace the serendipity of what is possible and give.
This is all a part of the Authentic Networking System. Learn more about Authentic Networking at the Professional Networking Workshop on Nov 6th. If you are attending a networking event in the next week, these workshops provide networking practice, information, and resources. Learn and reinforce concepts, ideas, and processes that make networking more comfortable and effective. Workshop Info
If you missed earlier posts, or just want to see the entire Authentic Networking System all laid out, start to finish, download the printable PDF HERE.