World’s Best Networking Event Search – Guaranteed
Have you ever wanted, or needed, to find a networking group or event near you? Today, you have at your disposal the World's Best Networking Event Search tool. This spreadsheet is guaranteed to find events that will have you meeting people in no time. For a Google...
Authentic Networking System – Give
The final, and most important, element of the entire Authentic Networking System, is saved for last. Give. It may be saved for last, but in actuality it should be practiced throughout. Giving is what makes networking work. By giving to others we not only find...
Authentic Networking System – Manage
Now that you’ve figured out how much time you have to meet people and cultivate relationships, how do you manage that? You name them. The second element of Follow Up is putting names in the calendar so that you keep them in your life. I think about it from a...
Authentic Networking System – Planning
Planning is perhaps one of the few things the Authentic Networking System has that I hear others rarely speak of. This is the first element of Follow Up and this has to do with being quite deliberate with your networking. Now, this can be taken are far or as lightly...
Authentic Networking System – Create
The bonds and connections between people are created when we can relate to one another in some manner. We’re not completely done yet with a fully established relationship, it is only the creation of it, which is the final element of The Process. Just to be clear,...
Authentic Networking System – Explore
Once “Hello” is covered, next up in the Authentic Networking System is to explore the world of your conversation partner. I’ve read lists of ice breakers that run the gamut as far as types of questions to ask, but from my perspective there are some questions fresh...
Authentic Networking System – Greet
The Process has to start somewhere and it starts here, with Greet. Simple, right? Well, in some cases it gets over complicated. I truly believe that by breaking down The Process, we can look at this element in all of its simplicity: Find someone and say hello. At...
Authentic Networking System – Empathy
Appropriately batting clean-up in the C.A.R.E. line up is empathy. Empathy is the bond. The bond between us that comes from understanding how someone is feeling or where they are coming from. Empathy conveys that we have been heard and that we matter to the other...
Authentic Networking System – Respect
Regardless of where someone is when we meet them or what differences we hold, respect for one another is crucial when considering The Process. We all have different experiences that have led to different perspectives and different attitudes and different situations. ...
Authentic Networking System – Attitude
Attitude might be the surprise component of C.A.R.E. The Attitude I speak of is the attitude we have toward, or the way we think about networking. When it comes to the uncertain nature of networking, having a good attitude about it will help quite a bit when...