Why Connect?

Why Connect?

I never really gave much thought to networking early in my career. As a baker there simply wasn’t much networking to be done. Then as a Realtor, I had the belief that my marketing was all about using the phone for cold calls, hosting open houses, and running...
Networking is Giving

Networking is Giving

It seems that there is a tendency to forget that networking is as much giving to and/or helping others as it is receiving. Consider my recent experience: I am a soccer referee. I was assigned to a game recently with a referee I had never med before. As I watched him...
Networking Saves the Game. Literally.

Networking Saves the Game. Literally.

When I speak to groups about networking, one of the first things I mention is that it is not a “get rich quick” type of activity. You can’t start one day and then all of a sudden have a solid network 30 days later. It takes time to develop...